Trusted training
We have created four training pathways bringing together some our most popular modules to support your development in your role as a governor. There are no time scales to complete these, it will depend on your own personal availability. The pathway is not ridged – if you need to quickly access some training that is not on the pathway e.g. Exclusions or Complaints training to support you and the board – then of course you can.
All Modern Governor modules are designed with the support of trusted governors, our HFL Education specialists and insightful training data from the Modern Governor platform.
We understand the time difficulties of being a governor and squeezing in training, and all our modules are built with flexible e-learning in mind:
- Users have the ability to pause modules and re-start where they left off
- There are no deadlines for completion, governors can set their own goals
- We have a range of module lengths with both short bite-sized and longer in-depth modules available

Digital badges
Governors can demonstrate their skills by earning exclusive badges for their CV once a training pathway is completed. They can proudly showcase their knowledge by uploading their badges to their LinkedIn Certifications and share with their followers. We have created a useful How to Guide to support this.
For further information, please get in touch.